How to calibrate blade’s horizontal angle to guarantee parallelism with cut direction on a Ghelfi Squalo machine.
The problem
The blade is not parallel to cut direction, as it should be.
The problem can be more evidently pointed out by positioning the long leg of a known-good mechanic’s square adherent to the blade, as shown in the picture.
The solution
1. (video)
On the engine side, locate the vertical tilt fulcrum shaft end.
Remove the top nut. You need a size-17 wrench.
Remove the 2 small lock screws. You need a size-4 Allen key / screwdriver.2. (video)
On the opposite side of the table, position the mechanic square’s short leg against the left base table reference, and its long leg against the blade.
2.a) The blade’s far-end tip only touches the square’s leg.
Put the top nut back in place, tightening it softly, just by hand.
Turn the nut on the engine side clockwise thus adjusting the blade’s angle until it perfectly adheres the square’s long leg.
2.b) The blade’s near-end tip only touches the square’s leg.
Using a rubber mallet, first hit the fulctrum shaft’s end to push it “in”, towards the left of the chassis. This way, the blade’s angular misalignment is reconducted to case 2.a)3. (video)
Without furtherly changing the nut’s position, put the 2 Allen screws back in place.